Solving for Today.
Preparing for Tomorrow.
Although the 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act gave health systems a financial incentive to achieve meaningful use of EHRs, many healthcare organizations have struggled to capture this source of value. Under the pressure of moving ahead to meet the requirements of the Meaningful Use program, most EHRs have been implemented using a Big Bang approach, and very rapidly.
Despite the tremendous value that EHRs can create, they are not being used to their full capacity. Currently, EHRs serve more as a “system of record” rather than a “system of engagement” that produces actionable insights to transform care delivery models. As a result, mergers and acquisitions, vendor consolidations, dissatisfaction with applications and other factors have followed and compelled healthcare organizations to optimize and/or replace their clinical systems.
The stakes are high (not enough information to make the best patient care decisions, lack of historical data for value-based care reimbursement methodologies), but we have services and solutions that will help you overcome these challenges. In Galen’s October Newsletter, you will learn about some of the resources and best practices we have developed from our work on more than 250 projects, to help organizations seamlessly transition EHRs - from legacy application support to data migration and archival.
Our Newsletter also reports on:
- the tangible ROI our Allscripts clients have realized through our integrated health calculator and PCMH solutions;
- MEDITECH optimization guides that yield substantial ROI and more importantly, improve patient care.
Finally, we invite you to an expert webinar panel we are sponsoring on Wednesday, November 16 from 1-2PM EST, where you will hear from executives at three leading healthcare organizations share their data migration experiences, lessons learned, and best practices.
I’m sure you will find this information helpful, and as always, we welcome your feedback.
Steve Brewer, Chief Executive Officer